The Dogwood Literary and Art Zine

  • The Dogwood Literary and Art Zine

Here at The Dogwood, Parker Memorial Library’s Literary and Art Zine, we invite everyone ages 13 and up to submit their original writing and artwork for a chance to be published on our website. Interested in submitting something you’ve been working on? Upload your submission using the form below!

By submitting a piece, you agree to and accept the following submission guidelines:

  • You are in grades 6-12 or an adult.
  • Submissions can be poetry, short stories (up to 2,000 words), photography, paintings (digital or physical, scanned or photographed), fine art (scanned pictures of the work), music, or videos.
  • A maximum of two pieces of work per person may be submitted.
  • Materials that are discriminatory will not be accepted.
  • Submissions should be appropriate for a PG-13 audience.
  • Any people identifiable by face in photos or art or by name in written works besides public figures (politicians, celebrities, etc.) must give the submitter permission to use their name/face in our magazine. Anyone who gives you permission should also be credited in captions of photos.
  • Not all work submitted will be published; editors reserve the right to choose which pieces will be published in each issue.
  • All materials submitted become the property of the Parker Memorial Library. By submitting your work, you are giving the Parker Memorial Library the non-exclusive right to publish your work in any format, including all print, electronic and online media. All individual contributors to the Parker Memorial Library’s Literary and Art Zine (The Dogwood) retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere.

If you have a question about our submission process, please feel free to send us an email.

Happy creating!

Are you in sixth grade or older?(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Use this space to provide a caption for your submission or provide any additional details you think we should know.
    Do you give Dracut Library full permission to publish your submission in both print and digital formats?(Required)

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