
The Parker Memorial Library welcomes gifts of books, materials, equipment, works of art, documents, photographs, property of any kind, and money. The Library reserves the right to refuse any gift that the Board of Library Trustees, in their sole discretion, deems to be not in the best interest of the Library to accept.

Material Donations

The Parker Memorial Library accepts gifts of books and other library materials if they meet the general selection criteria as stated in the Collection Development Policy. Items not utilized in the collection will be placed in the annual Friends of the Dracut Library Book Sale(s).

Donation Appraisals and Tax Receipts

In accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, the Parker Memorial Library cannot appraise any donations. Donors wishing to claim a tax deduction may want to consult with their income tax preparer or the IRS for the proper procedure. Donors wishing to have an appraisal of their donations done for income tax purposes should do so prior to donation.

In-Person Donations

To donate items in-person please download the Donation/Gift Receipt form and present to library staff to approve:

Open Donate Slip

Online Donations

If you’d like to donate money electronically, use this form to donate to the Friends of the Dracut Public Library, powered by PayPal.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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