Congrats to Our New Director!

Congratulations to our new Library Director, Christine Muir, on her promotion from Assistant Director! Here’s a short note from her:
Hello! We first “met” four months ago when I became the Assistant Director at the Parker Memorial Library. Now it’s time to re-introduce myself as the Director of the Library. Our former Director Nanci Milone-Hill left the library in early December for another opportunity. I miss Nanci as a mentor and friend, but I am excited and ready to take on this leadership role at the library!
In my first four months, I’ve already accomplished several short-term smaller goals, including the addition of RAM to staff and public computers, improving their performance significantly. I’ve also recently worked with the recycling coordinator in Dracut to purchase new items for our library of things collection, a move that helps Dracut qualify for additional grant money from the state.
I am also planning to tackle two bigger projects over the upcoming year. One is the creation of a new strategic plan, which is a five-year plan that every library is required by the state to complete. It identifies long-term goals for the library based partly on input and feedback from the community. So please keep an eye out for an opportunity to come in and talk with us about what you’d like to see your library offer.
The second big goal revolves around the library‘s one hundredth anniversary. Our original library building was approved for funding in May 1922 and the building opened to the public on November 20, 1923. We are hoping to plan a series of events and celebrations that recognize this milestone. So keep an eye out for information on those events too!
I have enjoyed meeting those of you who have come into the library over the past few months and I look forward to getting to know more of you as time goes on!