Online Fun for Kids While Social Distancing

It can be difficult to keep children entertained and learning while stuck at home. The library is here to help! While our doors are closed, online resources remain available.
Our regular page can be found here.
In addition, there are children’s authors offering live Facebook events, podcasts and other things to keep your children engaged and help beat the boredom and frustration of this time of necessary social distancing. This list will be updated as more resources become available.
Authors Everywhere!: YouTube videos of authors reading their books. Many different authors represented.
Tumble Books: Free online books for kids
Project Gutenberg: free online books. The site has books for all ages, including children’s books.
Audible Stories: Free children’s audiobooks while schools are closed
eSebco Books: Free fiction and nonfiction ebooks available during the outbreak. Enter username: keepreading and Password: sebco. After that, enter your library card number or student ID number.
Read Along with Michele Obama: Former First Lady Michelle Obama reads children’s books.
Draw Every Day with JJK: YouTube videos by author Jared J. Krosoczka (This Kid, Jedi Academy series)
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems: Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks.
Squiggles and Scribbles by Ben Clanton: Facebook live events with Ben Clanton author of Narwhal and Jelly.
Spanish Children’s Stories: Well-known children’s stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Great for kids… and adults too! Read along in Spanish or English. Site also includes free Spanish lessons.
Tip: Scroll to bottom to find similar sites for French, German, and Italian!
#StoryMarch: The Greater Boston Illustrators’ Group dreamed up #StoryMarch as the Covid-19 pandemic took over the daily lives of everyone we know. As schools and offices close and people are stuck at home without their usual activities and diversions, we hope that #StoryMarch might be a fun way for all artists of every age to stretch themselves a little and have fun. Daily drawing prompts for kids.
Story Preservation Initiative: You’ll find a selection of audio stories from three master storytellers on the K-3 Storytelling Learning Lab, found at To access click K-3 Learning Lab on blue banner. A one-time registration is required and then click on “storytellers” and listen and enjoy at no cost.
Storytime from Space: Videos of astronauts reading stories at the International Space Station.
Go Noodle: Free movement and mindfulness videos for kids.
Alvin Ailey Online Dance Classes: Online dance classes/lessons.
Math Playground: Free math games for kids
Cincinnati Zoo Facebook page: Every day at 3 pm a new video is posted interacting and teaching about one of their animals with activities you can do at home.
New England Aquarium Videos: Penguins and turtles and sharks! Oh my! Take virtual tours at the Aquarium and learn what they’ve been up to lately.
Skype A Scientist: This organization offers children and families opportunities to interact with scientists from around the world. Click the “Events” tab to view pre-planned live group sessions, or if you’re feeling more adventurous, click “For Families,” and you will be matched with your very own scientist to chat about science!
Age of Learning: free access to ABCMouse, Adventure Academy and ReadingIQ during the outbreak.
Miss Humblebee’s Academy: An interactive kindergarten-readiness program that introduces children ages three to six to key concepts in math, science, social studies, language and literacy, art, and music. It’s as challenging as it is fun
World Book: The World Book web site offers an encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, homework help, study aids, and curriculum guides. World Book is publisher of the World Book Encyclopedia.
PBS Kids Distance Learning Center: Selection of free resources from the extensive PBS LearningMedia library and other WGBH Education initiatives, with a focus on self-directed activities.
Parent/Caregiver Support
Exceptional Lives: Resources for home bound families of kids with disabled or neurodiverse kids
MA Library Association Resources: Resources for families during COVID19 outbreak. Includes links for fun activities as well as support resources for parents and information on how to talk to your child about COVID19.