Author Event: Jen Petro-Roy, 1/18, 1:30-3:30 pm

Author Event for Teens/Tweens: Jen Petro-Roy
SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1:30—3:30 PM

Please join us for a Meet the Author event with Jen Petro- Roy.
Ms. Petro-Roy is the author of novels P.S. I Miss You and Good Enough, as well as the non-fiction self help book You Are Enough for young readers with disordered eating and body image problems. She is an eating disorder awareness advocate with important messages about self esteem and fighting the media messages which contribute to disordered eating. She will talk about her books, as well as discuss ways kids, tweens and teens can develop positive body image and self worth in a world where they are constantly bombarded by “perfect” bodies on social media.
This program is designed for tweens and teens and parents of tweens/teens, but all ages are welcome to attend.
About the Author:
Jen Petro-Roy was born, raised, and still lives in Massachusetts, even though she rejects the idea that snow and cold are ever a good thing. She started writing in third grade, when her classroom performed a play she had written. It was about a witch and a kidnapped girl and a brave crew of adventurers who set out to save the day. As a kid, numerous pictures of Jen often featured Baby-Sitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins books clutched in her hand, so it was just a matter of time until she started writing her own books for children.